No fluff, only the real stuff. We find surprising yet natural solutions to complex questions.

Our approach

Tackling creative challenges with tenacity and doing good work that's stimulating, challenging, and enjoyable.

Design Process

The unsung hero of creativity, weaving together chaos and ideas into an awesome masterpiece. It's the magical journey where scribbles become symphonies, and colors are the heroes that rescue blandness. Design isn't just about making things pretty; it's the alchemy that transforms concepts into visual eye candy that grabs attention, sparks emotions, and makes brands dance in the spotlight.

Discovery Phase

Client Brief: Understand the client's goals, target audience, and brand identity.
So what does it really look like to work with us? We've broken it down into a few simple steps below of what a project typically looks like from start to finish.

We talk

We can meet up, jump on a call, video call — whatever you're comfortable with. We're not a turn and burn agency. We're here to build relationships and provide the solutions you need to achieve your goals.


Once we determine what you need as far as deliverables, we develop a plan to bring it all to life.


Where all the conversations and ideas start to become visual. You'll see various elements working together to drive the goal, mock-ups of how certain pieces may look out in the world, and plenty of inspiration to continue the look and feel moving forward.


Depending on your request, this would be the time our team would develop the website, app, or a larger scale print project.


We send everything you need and with access to anything else you may need from us.

Everything you need. Nothing you don't. 

We're all about transparency at Wavv and we like to set clear expectations so neither side feels taken advantage of. You'll always know what to expect and we'll provide the solutions needed to take you to the next level.

Simple and tailored solutions.

Let's be real. The digital space can feel overwhelming and often times confusing with how quickly it evolves. Our team speaks your language - no techno babble or creative jargon, harping on the latest trends to get onboard with — that's not how we operate. We're here to break it down into digestible pieces to empower you to make an informed decision.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

made in
with love